A List of Random Thoughts About Relationships

Dulcinea Rose
3 min readJun 6, 2024
  1. Prince Charming is never a good idea. The charming ones are the ones who destroy us. I’ll keep the frog.
  2. Love doesn’t hurt. It heals. If you think you’re afraid of falling in love, the truth is, you’re afraid of the pain that comes with unrequited love, lost love, rejection, and abuse.
  3. If you’re in a relationship that makes you cry more often than you smile or laugh, that relationship is not based on love. It is an illusion. Or maybe an onion.
  4. A person who loves you will bring out the best in you — not force you to be their idea of what is good. Your authentic self will naturally show itself because you feel safe, and because the other person is showing you their authentic self.
  5. You either love someone or you don’t. Love is immeasurable.
  6. Love is not a feeling. It is an action that you choose. You can have loving feelings toward someone, but those can go away. What’s left is the choice whether to act in a loving manner even in those moments when you don’t feel those loving feelings. If you truly love someone, you will act in a loving manner even when you don’t feel like it.
  7. The human mind is not fully developed at 18. You still have the mind of an adolescent. You're still impressionable even if you are an “adult” in the eyes of the law. An older person “falling in love with you” when you’re under the age of 20 is not romantic. It’s creepy. Age is not just a number when one of you is barely old enough to move…



Dulcinea Rose

Writing is my way of sharing the wisdom I've gained through my life experiences and learning more important lessons through self-reflection.